This PHP script contains the main routines for the Contacts page server side PHP program.
This page contains only the sections that pertain to the Contact page.
1| <?php
3| //The header for the Showcase site pages.
4| function pageHeader($strSpaces, $strTitle, $intShow, $GenericArray)
5| {
6| echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">\n";
7| echo "<html>\n";
8| echo "<head>\n";
9| echo "<!--[if gt IE 8]>\n";
10| echo "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=EmulateIE9\" >\n";
11| echo "<![endif]-->\n";
12| echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n";
13| echo "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" href=\"".$strSpaces."images/favicon.ico\">\n";
14| echo "<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Keith Gallistel\">\n";
15| echo "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"Keith Gallistel, Northcentral Technical College, computer programming, programming, web design, NTC, University of Wisconsin, UW-Stout, Stout, resume, portfolio\">\n";
16| echo "<title>".$strTitle." - Keith Gallistel's Showcase Site</title>\n";
17| echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".$strSpaces."scripts/showcase_css.css\">\n";
18| echo "<!--[if lt IE 7]>\n";
19| echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".$strSpaces."scripts/showcaseIESIX_css.css\" />\n";
20| echo "<![endif]-->\n";
26| //For handling Contact CSS. Please leave 0 for blank.
27| if($intShow ==2)
28| {
29| HeaderContactCSSSheet();
30| }
32| //For handling Contact validation CSS. Please leave 0 for blank.
33| if($intShow ==2)
34| {
35| HeaderContactCSS($GenericArray);
36| }
44| echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"print\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".$strSpaces."scripts/showcaseprint_css.css\">\n";
52| //For handling Contact validation JavaScript and Contact reset button switch JavaScript. Please leave 0 for blank.
53| if($intShow ==2)
54| {
55| HeaderJSValidate();
56| HeaderJSSwitch();
57| }
72| echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".$strSpaces."scripts/general_js.js\">\n";
73| echo "</script>\n";
75| echo "</head>\n";
76| echo "<body>\n";
88| echo "<div id=\"container\">\n";
90| }
92| //****************************************************************************
93| //End of pageHeader Beginning of pageHeader Functions
94| //****************************************************************************
102| //This is the JavaScript for validating Contact form.
103| function HeaderJSValidate()
104| {
105| echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"scripts/validate.js\">\n";
106| echo "</script>\n";
107| }
109| //This is the JavaScript for hiding PHP Reset button and revealing JavaScript Reset button
110| //when JavaScript is active in the browser.
111| function HeaderJSSwitch()
112| {
113| echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"scripts/JSSwitch.js\">\n";
114| echo "</script>\n";
115| }
117| //This is the CSS for Contact form specific styles.
118| function HeaderContactCSSSheet()
119| {
120| echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"screen\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"scripts/contact_css.css\">\n";
121| }
136| function HeaderJSBrowserVersion()
137| {
138| echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"scripts/browserVersion_js.js\">\n";
139| echo "</script>\n";
140| }
183| //This is the CSS for the Contact form error messages that both the PHP and JavaScript manipulate.
184| function HeaderContactCSS($GenericArray)
185| {
186| echo "<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
188| if(null == $GenericArray)
189| {
190| $CSS = "#FName{\n\tdisplay:none;\n\tvisibility:hidden;\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
191| $CSS .= "#LName{\n\tdisplay:none;\n\tvisibility:hidden;\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
192| $CSS .= "#EmailBlank{\n\tdisplay:none;\n\tvisibility:hidden;\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
193| $CSS .= "#EmailFormat{\n\tdisplay:none;\n\tvisibility:hidden;\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
194| $CSS .= "#SubjectDefault{\n\tdisplay:none;\n\tvisibility:hidden;\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
195| $CSS .= "#MsgBlank{\n\tdisplay:none;\n\tvisibility:hidden;\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
196| $CSS .= "#CaptchaBlank{\n\tdisplay:none;\n\tvisibility:hidden;\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
197| $CSS .= "#CaptchaNum{\n\tdisplay:none;\n\tvisibility:hidden;\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
198| $CSS .= "#CaptchaWrong{\n\tdisplay:none;\n\tvisibility:hidden;\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
199| echo $CSS;
200| }
201| else
202| {
203| $CSS = "#FName{\n\tdisplay:".$GenericArray[0].";\n\tvisibility:".$GenericArray[1].";\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
204| $CSS .= "#LName{\n\tdisplay:".$GenericArray[2].";\n\tvisibility:".$GenericArray[3].";\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
205| $CSS .= "#EmailBlank{\n\tdisplay:".$GenericArray[4].";\n\tvisibility:".$GenericArray[5].";\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
206| $CSS .= "#EmailFormat{\n\tdisplay:".$GenericArray[6].";\n\tvisibility:".$GenericArray[7].";\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
207| $CSS .= "#SubjectDefault{\n\tdisplay:".$GenericArray[8].";\n\tvisibility:".$GenericArray[9].";\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
208| $CSS .= "#MsgBlank{\n\tdisplay:".$GenericArray[10].";\n\tvisibility:".$GenericArray[11].";\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
209| $CSS .= "#CaptchaBlank{\n\tdisplay:".$GenericArray[12].";\n\tvisibility:".$GenericArray[13].";\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
210| $CSS .= "#CaptchaNum{\n\tdisplay:".$GenericArray[14].";\n\tvisibility:".$GenericArray[15].";\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
211| $CSS .= "#CaptchaWrong{\n\tdisplay:".$GenericArray[16].";\n\tvisibility:".$GenericArray[17].";\n\tcolor:red}\n\n";
212| echo $CSS;
213| }
215| echo "</style>\n";
216| }
218| //****************************************************************************
219| //End of pageHeader Functions Beginning of Everything Else
220| //****************************************************************************
222| //This is the function that generates the main navigation menu.
223| function master($intSelect)
224| {
225| $arrClassTag = array('GNDN', 'home', 'resume', 'portfolio', 'contacts', 'about');
227| if(4 == $intSelect)
228| {
229| $arrHrefTag = array('GNDN', '../showcase/index.php', '../showcase/resume.php', '../showcase/portfolio_intro.php', 'contact.php', '../showcase/about.php');
230| }
231| else
232| {
233| $arrHrefTag = array('GNDN', 'index.php', 'resume.php', 'portfolio_intro.php', '../contact/contact.php', 'about.php');
234| }
236| $strCurrent = '_on';
238| echo "<div id=\"masterhead\">\n";
239| echo "<h1 class=\"center\">Keith Gallistel's Showcase Site</h1>\n";
240| echo "</div>\n";
241| echo "<div id=\"navigation\">\n";
242| echo "<div id=\"menuWrap\">\n";
244| for($intKey = 1; $intKey < 6; $intKey++)
245| {
246| $strClassName = $arrClassTag[$intKey];
248| if($intKey == $intSelect)
249| {
250| $strClassName .= $strCurrent;
251| }
253| echo "<a class=\"".$strClassName."\" href=\"".$arrHrefTag[$intKey]."\"> <span class=\"hide\">".$arrClassTag[$intKey]."</span></a>\n";
254| }
256| echo "</div>\n";
257| echo "</div>\n";
258| }
315| //This is the function that contains the footer for the Showcase site.
316| function pageEnding($strSpaces)
317| {
318| echo "<div id=\"footer\">\n";
319| echo "<div class=\"CopyRight\"><div class=\"SubSiteLink\"><a href=\"".$strSpaces."../index.htm\"><img src=\"".$strSpaces."images/KGLogo.jpg\" width=\"285\" height=\"80\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Keith Gallistel Logo\"></a></div><p>Keith Gallistel ©2010-".date(Y)."<br><a href=\"".$strSpaces."sitemap.php\">Site Map</a></p></div>\n";
320| echo "</div>\n";
321| echo "</div>\n";
322| echo "<script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\">";
323| echo "</script>";
324| echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
325| echo "_uacct = \"UA-2274966-1\";";
326| echo "urchinTracker();";
327| echo "</script>";
328| echo "</body>\n";
329| echo "</html>\n";
330| }
332| ?>