
    1| <!-- Place script here -->
    2| <?php
    4|     define("LIST_ONE", "dynamic.dat");
    6|     //Read in the external functions file
    7|     require("dynamic_routines.php");
    9|     $file_passed_tests = true;
  11|     //Does the file exist?
  12|     if(!file_lives(LIST_ONE))
  13|     {
  14|         $file_passed_tests = false;
  15|     }
  16|     else
  17|     {
  18|         //Can the file be read?
  19|         if(!file_is_readable(LIST_ONE))
  20|         {
  21|             $file_passed_tests = false;
  22|         }
  23|     }
  25|     //Did not pass test
  26|     if(!$file_passed_tests)
  27|     {
  28|         error_page("Dynamic List Web Page", "Web page is unavailable at this time. Please come back later.");
  30|         exit();
  31|     }
  33| ?>
  34| <html>
  35| <head>
  36|     <title>Dynamic Web Page</title>
  37| </head>
  39| <table>
  40|     <tr>
  41|         <td>
  42|             <img src='ratscheese.gif' border='0' />
  43|         </td>
  45|         <td>
  46|             <table>
  47|                 <tr>
                    <td class='center'><h1>Dynamic Web Page</h1></td>
  49|                 </tr>
  50|             </table>
  51|         </td>
  52|     </tr>
  53|     <tr>
  54|         <td><h2>Please note the following events:</h2></td>v   55|     </tr>
  56|     <tr>
  57|         <td>
  59|             <!-- Nested table -->
  60|             <table>
  61|             <tr><td>
  62|             <ul>
  64|             <!-- Place script here -->
  65|             <?php
  67|                 $all_records = array();
  69|                 //Open the file for reading only
  70|                 $fHandle = open_a_file(LIST_ONE, "r");
  72|                 //Did the file open
  73|                 if($fHandle)
  74|                 {
  75|                     $all_records = read_file_by_record($fHandle);
  77|                     close_a_file($fHandle);
  79|                     //select only valid records
  80|                     $all_records = validate_records($all_records, 9, "|", 9);
  82|                     //sort in date order
  83|                     sort($all_records);
  85|                     //strip off sort data and bar
  86|                     $all_records = retrieve_data_only($all_records, "|", 1);
  88|                     if(count($all_records) > 0)
  89|                     {
  90|                         foreach($all_records as $record)
  91|                         {
  92|                             echo "<li>$record</li>";
  93|                         }
  94|                     }
  95|                     else
  96|                     {
  97|                         echo "<li>No events at this time.</li>";
  98|                     }
  99|                 }
101|             ?>
102|             </ul>
103|             </td></tr>
105|             </table>
106|             <!-- end of nested table -->
108|         </td>
109|     </tr>
111| </table>
112| </body>
113| </html>