
      1| using System;
      2| using System.Collections.Generic;
      3| using System.Linq;
      4| using System.Text;
      6| //add references
      7| using System.IO;
      8| using System.Xml;
    10| namespace MyDesktop
    11| {
    12|     class Read_XML_Apps_Class
    13|     {
    14|         string sApps_Parameter_File = "";
    16|         //declare an array of objects
    17|         public Apps_Class[] oApp;
    19|         //Declare objects in required classes to read an xml file
    20|         XmlDocument oDoc;
    21|         XmlNodeReader oNodeReader;
    23|         //Area to store xml user node content
    24|         public string sXml_Path = "";
    25|         public string sXml_Description = "";
    26|         public string sXml_Start_in = "";
    27|         public string sXml_Parameter = "";
    29|         //constructor method
    30|         public Read_XML_Apps_Class(string sApps_XML_File_Location)
    31|         {
    32|             //Set the location of this user's Apps XML file
    33|             sApps_Parameter_File = sApps_XML_File_Location;
    34|         }
    36|         //does xml file exit?
    37|         public bool Parameter_File_Exist()
    38|         {
    39|             bool bExists = true;
    41|             if (!File.Exists(sApps_Parameter_File))
    42|             {
    43|                 bExists = false;
    44|             }
    45|             return bExists;
    46|         }
    48|         //open the xml file and declare an array of user objects
    49|         public bool Open_XML_Parameter_File()
    50|         {
    51|             bool bOpened = true;
    53|             try
    54|             {
    55|                 oDoc = new XmlDocument();
    56|                 oDoc.Load(sApps_Parameter_File);
    57|                 oNodeReader = new XmlNodeReader(oDoc);
    59|                 //Allocate objects in the User_Class
    60|                 oApp = new Apps_Class[Apps_Class.iMaxAppObjects];
    61|             }
    62|             catch
    63|             {
    64|                 bOpened = false;
    65|             }
    67|             return bOpened;
    68|         }
    70|         //read each xml drives file
    71|         public void Read_Drive_Nodes()
    72|         {
    73|             string sElement = "";
    75|             //Read the file
    76|             while (oNodeReader.Read())
    77|             {
    78|                 //bypass the prologue
    79|                 if (XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration == oNodeReader.NodeType)
    80|                 {
    81|                     continue;
    82|                 }
    84|                 //bypass any comment line
    85|                 if (XmlNodeType.Comment == oNodeReader.NodeType)
    86|                 {
    87|                     continue;
    88|                 }
    90|                 //Identify and store element name
    91|                 if (XmlNodeType.Element == oNodeReader.NodeType)
    92|                 {
    93|                     sElement = oNodeReader.Name;
    94|                 }
    96|                 //Process user node content
    97|                 if (XmlNodeType.Text == oNodeReader.NodeType)
    98|                 {
    99|                     if (sElement.Equals("path"))
  100|                     {
                        sXml_Path = oNodeReader.Value;
  102|                     }
  104|                     if (sElement.Equals("description"))
  105|                     {
                        sXml_Description = oNodeReader.Value;
  107|                     }
  109|                     if (sElement.Equals("start_in"))
  110|                     {
  111|                         sXml_Start_in = oNodeReader.Value;
  112|                     }
  114|                     if (sElement.Equals("parameter"))
  115|                     {
  116|                         sXml_Parameter = oNodeReader.Value;
  117|                     }
  119|                 }//end of if
  121|                 //test if all content for user node has been read
  122|                 if (XmlNodeType.EndElement == oNodeReader.NodeType)
  123|                 {
  124|                     if (oNodeReader.Name.Equals("app"))
  125|                     {
  126|                         Add_Object();
  127|                     }
  128|                 }
  130|             }//end of while
  132|             oNodeReader.Close();
  134|         }//end of method
  136|         //add an object to the user class
  137|         private void Add_Object()
  138|         {
  139|              //Is there room for another object?
  140|             //Can we instantiate more objects?
  141|             if (Apps_Class.iNextAppObj < Apps_Class.iMaxAppObjects)
  142|             {
  143|                 oUser[Apps_Class.iNextAppObj] =
  144|                   new Apps_Class(sXml_Path, sXml_Description, sXml_Start_in, sXml_Parameter);
  146|                 //Clear out the holding area fields
  147|                 sXml_Path = "";
  148|                 sXml_Description = "";
  149|                 sXml_Start_in = "";
  150|                 sXml_Parameter = "";
  151|             }
  153|         }
  154|     }//end of class
  156| }